Sunday, December 23, 2012

Never Ending

It never seems to matter the time or place, my life is full of challenges, obstacles, hardships and extreme spiritual tests. Every time I think I have finally conquered the challenge, hardship or have come to spiritual terms with what I have been facing and I can relax and breathe, before that first deep breath is exhaled, I am faced with and even bigger challenge and hurdle. 
I know the bible tells us that hardships bring us closer to God.  

Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Am I?


Who am I?  Who are you?  Do you know who you are?  You most likely don't know who I am.   I fear lately, neither do I.

I have been struggling with my identity lately, alot.  I have suddenly found myself looking into the mirror and seeing a complete stranger, it scares me.  I have lost my sense of self, my identity, my being.

I know what the different aspects of me are, mother, daughter, friend, employee, but underneath those tools, I have lost who I am. 

What is worse, I am afraid that I have lost the ability to care, discover, fight or reclaim who I was or am made to be.