Love Mission

I have decided to use my blog to also journal the Love Mission project my Church is currently doing.

Love Mission consists of 35 missions that we are asked to do to show love to our community.  As a congregation we have been asked to complete 3 a week.
The Missions don't have to be completed in order, each person can move around the book as convenient for them.

Mission Number 1:  Living Water
For this mission we were asked to buy a drink for a co-worker, friend, neighbor etc,  to offer something tangible, without expectation of receiving anything yourself in the hopes that "Jesus will someday, step in with the eternal."


I struggled to find someone with whom I had enough contact with on a regular basis to offer a drink to.  I don't go to the bars and rarely see friends not involved in this Mission outside of church due to work, family and activity restraints.  So this morning, while I was waiting in line at McDonald's, I noticed the gentleman behind me looked a little grumpy and instantly I thought of this love mission.  While I wasn't able to converse with him, I did see his face when he pulled up to pay for his order, his face lit up and he had a huge smile on his face through the rest of my sit in the drive-thru.

I obviously will never know if he was having a bad day, if the "living water" I offered him will ever make any difference, but I felt good to see his face lite up and to see him smile, when the previous few minutes he hadn't.  

I hope that made a difference in his day and ultimately that little random act for him will make a positive difference.

Mission Number 2: Shirt off Your Back
This mission we are asked to give someone something of value to us.  Whether it is an item someone once said they really liked or just something nice for another.


I didn't really know how I was going to complete this mission.  I know of a purse I had once, all black with pink lips on it, with a matching wallet, that my children's dance teacher absolutely adored, but I can not find that purse now, so my original plan to give it to her is not possible.

However, I had an opportunity present itself to me today.  I work as a dispatcher for a taxi company and we have many regulars who call daily or multiple times a week.  Since I have been here, I have gotten to know some of these regulars quite well through conversations on the telephone. 

One of my favorites is an older gentleman that calls several times a week and is about the sweetest person you could ever meet.  Today he called for another employee, who wasn't here.  He explained he was in a pickle and I asked if there was something I could do to help him out.  

His wife is really sick and their social security doesn't come until tomorrow, but she needs her medicine today and he was $20.00 short for her prescription.  I immediately without thinking, told him not to worry, I would give him the $20.00 and he didn't have to worry about paying me back.  He was so incredibly grateful for that $20.00.  One of the driver's agreed to go get him free of charge.  

While to many, $20.00 may not sound like a lot of money, but it is a huge amount for me and plus, because I often do without, I tend to be very very very stingy with my money, but in this case, it felt like the right thing to do and I don't know if I will end up short later this week, but regardless, it was the right thing to do.  Her medicine is far more important than what I would find to spend the money on.

It felt really good to be able to help someone with something so simple, $20.00 and a free ride.  

Mission Number 3: Volunteer

Mission Number 4: Buy a Coffee

Mission Number 5: Prayer

This was difficult.  In this Mission, we are asked to pray for seven neighbors.  I don't actually have seven close neighbors, I have a lot of empty summer rentals around me, so I started thinking about past neighbors or others that lived near my work.  I found it very difficult to pray for some of these strangers, but I prayed anyway.  I don't know their stories, beliefs or even their needs, so the prayers felt stilted and generic.  Hopefully, despite how stilted they are, they will make a small difference in their lives.

Mission Number 6: Physical Help

Sunday we were at the Pet Store and a much older lady, with an extremely heavy bag of animal food was in the line behind us.  I stepped aside so that she could go ahead of us and helped her lift the bag onto the counter.  My 9 year old then asked her if he could help her get the bag to the car.  She said yes.  Unfortunately the sales clerk scooped the bag up before my son could help her, but I still consider that a win.  My son offered before any of us could and I am so proud of him for that.

Mission Number 7: Randomness

Mission Number 8: Building UP

Mission Number 9: Hanging with an Expert

Mission Number 10: Introductions

Mission Number 11: Daily Bread

Mission Number 12: Love Your Enemies

Mission Number 13: Read This

This mission calls for giving a book to another, preferably with a hand written note inside.  Through another blog, I found this site Read a Book, Give a Book.  I absolutely love this site, it's my new favorite.  I am an avid reader and believe that everyone should read and children especially should be read too!  It's incredibly important.  It's so simple to go online and read a book and they donate a book to a campaign of your choosing.  While I can't make a specific dedication, I can choose someone to help with a book.  

Again, I can't stress how awesome this site is.  I get to read a book to/with my 6 year old and another child gets a book to read too!  

Mission Number 14: Feeding Five Thousand

Mission Number 15: Spiritual Warfare

Mission Number 16: Hand Me Downs

Mission Number 17: Pray with Someone

Mission Number 18: Reflex

Mission Number 19: Outside Interests

Mission Number 20: Give a Song

Mission Number 21: Simple Acts of Love

Mission Number 22: The Tax Collector's Table

Mission Number 23: Practical Needs

Mission Number 24: Everyone Wants Prayer

Mission Number 25:  Church Can Be a Scary Place

Mission Number 26: Faith with Deeds

Mission Number 27: All the Lonely People

Mission Number 28: One Great Afternoon

Mission Number 29: You Are Rich

Mission Number 30: Today is that Day

Mission Number 31: A Listening Ear

Mission Number 32: I Found A Dollar

Mission Number 33: Car Note

Mission Number 34:You First

Mission Number 35: Follow Up

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