Monday, March 31, 2014

Okay, so maybe food shouldn't be my featured "happiness" again today.

However, it's more than just the amazing food that made me so stinking happy today.

It's also the fact that today was the first decent day after an extremely long winter we could fire up the grill and enjoy being outside without freezing our butts off.  
The other aspect to being such a great day was the location and the company.   For several years now I have helped out at "The Mansion" as we call it.   The Mansion is a 12,000 sqft vacation rental home located on Lake Michigan, the views are breathtaking. 
 The final aspect was the company.  Today we had an impromptu meeting for everyone who "works" at The Mansion.  We all do seperate jobs and stuff so we rarely see each other.  It was a nice treat to hang out with and spend time with those I rarely see, it happens not nearly enough. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

100 Happy Days

100 Happy Days has a purpose.  The purpose is to focus on 1 thing EVERY DAY for 100 days (no matter what is happening) that makes you happy, photograph it and share it. The belief is that by doing this in 100 days it will change how you view life in general and you will be more positive everyday.  Who doesn't need more positivity in their day right?  So I am going for it.   

The general purpose wasn't to do to as a blog but to use on Social Media such as FB, Twitter, Instagram etc.   (Yes I have these and yes I will post there) but I am a story teller to, so here I will utilize the space to not just pictures but the stories as well.

One of my favorite things to do is to get creative with cooking and to cook with others.  I am blessed to have a great friend who also loves to cook and try her hand a creative cooking.   Not everything we do is a success, but thankfully we have many more successes than we do failures.  

Tonight we tried our hand a Mexican spread and EVERYTHING was a success, except the kitchen which was a disaster.   Despite the mess and the full bellies that have to clean up that mess, it was a great night hanging out with friends and enjoying the wonderful food we made.

There truly is something to be said about gathering together and sharing a meal that brings people closer together.