New Years for me has always been a time of both reflection and renewal. New Year is the ultimate reminder to me that hope, promise, change and enrichment exist and are ours for the taking, if we choose to take it. This year the promise of a new beginning and the knowledge that I was finally ready to write the words in the blank pages of life, has been healing; as well as: exciting.
The last three years have been extraordinarliy tough. They have pushed me and pulled me in every direction. They have tested, tried, twisted and tortured me at every turn and they have brought me to my knees too often.
The final trial and twist of 2012 has been by far the hardest yet and it left me feeling beaten. I, for a moment, gave up. I spent a short time not caring, not wanting, not needing, not hoping. I questioned and examined every aspect of my life from myself to my beliefs and still felt beaten and ready to give it all up and accept a life of solitude and misery. But that has NEVER been the true me.
I just don't know to quit.
So as I reflected through 2012, I looked through the trials and into the positive that came from them, came to conclusions about changes I needed to make and truly got excited for the stroke of midnight and the ball to drop that would allow me to move forward.
So this year is mine. It is about me. This year is about New beginnings, new chapters and a new life. It's about writing the life that God has always intended for me to have. It's about pursuing my dreams and kicking fear out the door. It's about life. My life and it starts here.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
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