Friday, September 23, 2011



When I think about what it means to grow, so many things instantly come to mind.  I have watched all four of my beautiful children grow both physically and emotionally.  

I have watched the tree out front grow from a tiny twig into a beautiful tree.

But where have I grown?  I have grown in my faith, my walk and my devotion to living a Christian life, but it seems that the growth has been slow and almost unnoticeable at times.  I want to continue to grow, to push through those times of stagnancy, to leap and learn and move forward.  I want to reach the heavens with my passion and remove all the roadblocks in my way.  I want to be 100 feet tall in my christian walk and I want to most of all to help others grow in their walk.  

Thank You Lord for giving me a spirit of growth, a desire to grow and an unlimited amount of room to continue growing.  


1 comment:

  1. The more you pour into others lives the more you will grow in leaps and bounds...the enemy would like us to believe that when we are spiritual "ready" we can make a difference, but you make a difference everyday. You are growing. If you watched grass grow it wouldn't look like its doing anything BUT leave on vacation and come back and your yard is a jungle...just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's happening. God Bless
