Today's Inspiration:
Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body.
~Sir Richard Steele
Yesterday I blogged about different things, spiritual warfare, raising teens, praying for your children, etc.
Later I was bothered by the fact that I hadn't mentioned any of the wonderful books that have helped me in the areas I talked about, especially during the new Christian area when I was thirsting for more and anxious to get all the information I could into my brain.
One of the areas I struggled with most was learning to pray. I have prayed since I was a child. Basic prayers, such as Bless this and Bless that and please keep me safe. Nothing much more. As I began to grow in my walk, I began to learn that those basic prayers didn't really mean much, but I didn't know how to pray. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I knew I needed to pray more for my children, but I was so overwhelmed, I didn't know where to start or how to start. I wanted them to be safe of course. I wanted to make good choices and have a relationship with God, but I didn't know what to say or how to voice those desires. So I searched the bookstore and I found this book, The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartain. It's an absolute wonderful book to get you jump started on praying for you children. This is a book I would buy and recommend for baby showers. As I have said before, it is NEVER too late to start praying for your children.
Another book I highly recommend, again from as early on as possible is Satan, You Can't Have My Children, by Iris Delgado. I was recently introduced to this book and have to say, I wish I had had it sooner, but while it is never to early to start praying, it's never to late either.
Finally, for Today, I would also like to recommend The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. This book is a good introduction into Spiritual Warfare from a demon's perspective. I can certainly say that it helped me open my eyes to the little things that the devil would do to try and get back into my life. We read this book in my small group and though I was not excited at all about it at first, it has become one of my favorite classics.
Today's Prayer:
Thank you Father, this day for the many abundant ways you give us to learn and grow in Your Word and Your ways, not just through church, group and the Word, but through many authors, who speak and teach so well on Your word.
In Jesus Name
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