Friday, June 1, 2012

5 minute Friday: See

Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.
~Jonathon Swift

Topic:  SEE


I have learned through this life that being honest with my self truly rooted in the art of seeing what I don't want to see within myself and the others in my life.

For many years, I was able to avoid seeing what made me unhappy or uncomfortable, to wear those rose colored glasses if you will, and avoid what I didn't like or want to face. 

But recently I have been pulled out of my comfort zone by other events in my life and forced to look at myself through clear eyes, to see my world and myself as they truly are.

I have come to face the insecurity, to see the fear for what it is.  I have come to see the faults and shortcomings in personalities of my family, and love them for it.

Though the process of removing the blinders and seeing everything in the cold harsh light of reality has not always been painless, it has certainly been healing.  

I have learned to see that those flaws within myself are not so horrible, they are human and through them I can grow.  I have learned to see that the world is maybe, just a little beautiful for it's imperfectedness (okay so that might not be a word, but I like it) and that I am to the core a person worthy of loving and being seen by others. 


I you enjoy writing and like a challenge or want to join in on the fun of 5 Minute Friday's journey here.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words & great song! Thanks for sharing. Found you at Five Minute Friday.
